Featuring my Creative Director, Birdie


Featuring my Creative Director, Birdie 〰️


Kira Viola

Hailing from a border town in Texas, Kira’s world originally revolved around ballet. And she revolved around the studio in funny little shoes. For years, she traveled to places near and far, touring the world until eventually realizing her feet hurt. A lot. It was this epiphany that led her down a different path, or up rather, to the University of Colorado Denver in pursuit of a different passion: design.

Her secondary focus, design, quickly came to the forefront of Kira’s universe. Upon graduation, with her degree in hand and an uncommon understanding of what was next, Kira landed in Denver ready to take on the world of advertising and design.

In her free time, she can be found pirouetting around the studio, eating chips and salsa or shaking down some design tricks—probably all at the same time because she’s good with multitasking like that.